January: Back to Business

 January hours: 0

Semester hours completed: 0


And just like that, our first month of the spring semester has come and gone! It has, of course, followed our new pattern of “expecting the unexpected” with the rise of COVID rates and need to return to Zoom classes; however, I think that given the circumstances the semester is still off to a good start, and I am looking forward to returning to the classroom next week and seeing my fellow classmates and professors. 


Having just finished the last module, which was definitely a tough one, I am really looking forward to our Reproductive mini module we will be going through over the next week of classes. I have always had an interest in reproductive medicine and hope to one day specialize in female reproductive health, so this module is something I have been looking forward to since last semester. Aside from our Med Pharm curriculum, I have found our Endocrine Pharmacology class this semester very informative. As it is well known, stress typically comes with the territory of being a student, so it has been very interesting to get a professional's input on where this stress stems from and how we can manage it in a way that is beneficial to us and our performance as students. 


With the rise in COVID cases and delay in getting back to New Orleans, I was unfortunately not able to complete any of my service hours for the month; however, I am looking forward to getting active in the community over the next few months before our program concludes. One fun thing I have done this semester was pick up my things and head to the beach with a few of my classmates. It was definitely a nice break from being alone in New Orleans, despite the cold, and it provided us with a calm place to focus on our classes and schoolwork.


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