March: St. Patrick's Day and More

 March hours: 8

Semester hours completed: 8


How is there only one more month left of classes? March has always been a busy month for me, balancing birthdays and celebrating St. Patrick’s Day (one of my favorite holidays). This month was certainly no exception, and I would have to say that it has been one of my favorite months yet! 


It’s hard to believe that the only two major assignments standing between now and the end of this program is our Medical Pharmacology NBME final and the last Cell Control exam. I am definitely nervous about the NBME exam and the amount of content it will contain, however, I am hopeful that by starting to study now I will be prepared and comfortable with the material by April 14th. Today was my last presentation of the semester and I can certainly say that this program has made me much more comfortable with presenting academic information and speaking in front of a room of people, which is something that I am grateful for and foresee benefitting me in the future as a physician. 


This month I have been volunteering through Second Harvest Food Bank at the Broadmoor Food Pantry. During my shifts at Broadmoor, I have assisted with unloading food deliveries and pre-packaging grocery boxes for families to pick-up. I have really enjoyed volunteering at Broadmoor and meeting other graduate students working there from different programs. In the upcoming month, I am planning to finish out my service hours at Broadmoor and hope to continue volunteering there until I move back home in June. 


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